Launch Your Business, Delivery Amazing Results To Your Clients, and Stand Out From Other Nutritionists 

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A Nutrition Business Program Created For Nutritionists, By A Nutritionist with 15+ Years Experience Working with 1000's of Clients, and Helping Other Nutritionists Do The Same. 

There Is No Other Program Like This. 

 You Can Build the Nutrition Business of Your Dreams! 

I'll show you step-by-step:

✔️ How to legally set up your business 

✔️ How to overcome Imposter Syndrome and other mindset blocks

✔️How to find your Dream Clients

✔️What Program(s) to offer and how to create them the easiest way

✔️ What to price your Program(s) and Services (including a calculator that figures it out for you)

✔️How to set up your client systems and get paid

✔️ How to run Initial Assessments and Follow-Up Appointments

✔️ What to Recommend and exactly what to put in their Health Plan

✔️ How to Enrol Clients into your Program(s) (better than a "discovery call") 

✔️ The best way to find great clients (you don't need to be a social media influencer, thank goodness!) 


Nice to meet you! 👋

I'm Rachel!

 I am a Nutritionist and the founder and CEO of Caven Nutrition Inc., a Global Nutritional Consulting Company. 

I am a sought-after speaker, have authored numerous articles, and have made multiple television appearances.  I even won a Forty Under 40 Award...all as a single mom (so if I can do this, you definitely can!)

Most importantly, we have helped thousands of clients look and feel their best! 

 But it wasn't always easy...  

After graduating in 2009, I had no idea how to start my nutrition business... or if I even wanted to, if I'm being completely honest.  No other Nutritionists were working full-time seeing clients.  While school provided valuable knowledge, it didn't equip me with the practical skills needed to effectively run a business or how to actually help my clients achieve their goals. 

I spent way too much time and money on the wrong things...and I don't want the same for you! 


 That's Why I Created The ✨ Nutrition Business School Program... 

This is the course I WISH I had when I was first starting out.  It would have saved me SO MUCH time and money (and tears, if we're being honest). 

It's your step-by-step guide on everything you need to launch your nutrition business, including what to actually recommend for your clients to get them life-changing results. 

In The Next 30 Days, You Could…

  • Have your business completely set up including all of your client systems and forms (step-by-step guide and templates included)
  • Know exactly who you want to help, and how you will help them (including what to recommend at each appointment)
  • Have your Program(s) mapped out and feel confident in delivering them
  • Know how to confidently enroll clients into your Program(s) and get them results!



What Makes This Program Different? 

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There Is No Other Program Like This!

  • Created for Nutritionists, with input from Nutritionists with 30+ years combined experience helping 1000's of clients 
  • Includes step-by-step checklists on how to launch your nutrition business ASAP, in 30 days, 60 days, or what to do if you're still in school 
  • There's no other program that teaches you exactly how to run an initial assessment, follow-up appointments, what to recommend, and how to create your client's health care plan 
  • Includes 30+ Templates & Scripts (from ones we actually use in our business):
    • Business Launch Checklists
    • Intake Forms
    • Client Contract
    • Food Diary 
    • Follow-Up Appointments 
    • Health Plan
    • 6-, 8-, & 12-Week Program Templates
    • Enrolment Call Script
    • Referral Outreach Script
    • NBS Calculator to determine hourly & daily rate

What's Included In The NBS Program...


Business Mindset

The program is set up in order of operations to build your business.  First things first, we're going to work on your mindset- the MOST important part of building a business. In this module, you will learn:

  • Step-by-Step Launch Plan
  • How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome
  • Setting your Schedule
  • CEO Mindset
  • Goal Setting

Setting Up Your Business

The next step is to set up your business the right way, right off the bat. The tips in this lesson will save you so much time in the future.  In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • How to pick your business name
  • How and when to register your business
  • When you need to charge tax
  • How to set up your website domain & email
  • Business bookkeeping & accounting
  • How to brand yourself
  • How to not get sued as a Nutritionist 

Finding your Purpose & Niche 

There's so much info out there on finding your niche...and most of it is super basic and repetitive.  Clients love my method of niching down, and you don't have to be as strict as you think.  In this lesson, you’ll learn:

  • What is your purpose
  • Who is your Dream Client
  • Who you don't want to work with
  • How to create your offer statement 



What Program(s) to Offer  

Most people have too many, or not enough, program options.  Learn how to create your product suite, map out your program(s), and have clients pay you to build them out. In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to create your product suite 
  • 1:1, Group, Online Courses, & Memberships
  • How to create your program(s) (with templates for 6-, 8-, & 12-week Programs
  • What to name your program
  • Weekly Topic Ideas 



Pricing Your Programs & Services

Most Nutritionists severely undercharge for their programs and services.  You are delivering life-changing results, and should be paid for it!  In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to overcome money mindset blocks
  • What to charge for your programs and services
  • How to use the NBS Calculator to determine your rates
  • When to use discounts and sliding scales  

Additional Offerings 

Learn about additional offerings and tests you can add to your programs, or use as a stand-alone product, to help get your clients amazing results (and keep them coming back).  In this module, you’ll learn:

  • Additional testing you can do in-office or virtually
  • How to add supplements, products, & MLMs to your business 
  • How to add passive income to your business plus make your business more passive to gain back time

Your Client Systems 

It's essential that you have proper systems in place to run your business, manage clients, and get paid.   In this module, you'll learn: 

  • How to set up your client management system
  • How to get paid
  • Which essential forms you need (templates included)
  • How to schedule clients
  • What you legally need to include in client notes 

Get Your Clients Amazing Results

This is the HOW of being a Nutritionist.  It includes step-by-step what you're going to do with your clients to get them amazing results.  In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to onboard a client to instantly wow them
  • Step-by-step what to do in an Initial Assessment and Follow-Up Appointments 
  • What exactly to recommend to clients (this is NOT taught in schools) 
  • How to create an amazing client health plan (template included)  



Enroll Clients into Your Program 

One of the most important lessons is the proper way to enroll a client into your program.  This step alone can make or break your business.  In this module, you’ll learn:

  • How to show up as a practitioner on calls
  • How to properly do an enrolment (or discovery) call 
  • How to get your first client and a steady stream of clients after that 
  • When to refer out

Business Launch Plan 

Sometimes you want someone to tell you what to do. This module includes step-by-step processes on how to launch your business, and which days to do what.  Including:

  • How to launch our business ASAP
  • 30-Day Launch Plan
  • 60-Day Launch Plan
  • What to focus on if you're still a student 

This Is For You If...

  • You want to know how to work with clients to get them amazing results 
  • You want to stand out in your business 
  • You want easy, no BS advice on what you actually need to run a successful business 

Nutrition Business  School Results

"Business coaching with Rachel has been a huge blessing, I hadn’t even graduated from school yet and was feeling overwhelmed as to how I was going to start a business in the ever changing world of nutrition. Working with Rachel helped me stay focused and get all my ducks in a row so I could get my business off to a great start with the confidence I needed! She is amazing and easy to work with, always willing to go the extra mile or to hop on an unscheduled call if I needed her. I highly recommend Rachel as a business coach whether you are just starting or wanting to take your nutrition business to the next level!"

- Kyla 

"I have been a Holistic Nutritionist for over 5 years.  I quit my full time job to focus solely on my nutrition business.  Problem was that I was stuck and I had no idea how to gain more clients.  I had all the basics down but I needed that missing piece.  I reached out to Rachel and we got started right away!  The process with Rachel was easy and well organized.  She knows how to push your limits and challenge you to become a better version of yourself by remaining true to yourself.  She was able to put an end to all my worries and self-limiting beliefs that I was struggling with.  Her coaching style is gentle but to the point and very positive.  Since I took the business coaching with Rachel I have more than made up my initial investment and I now have the tools I need to truly be successful in this business.  She is a supportive, genuine and honest coach and I would highly recommend her to anyone that needs guidance in the nutrition business. Thank you Rachel!" 

- K. V. 

 Join The ✨ Nutrition Business School Program Today!

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3 monthly payments



Are You Ready? 

Join the course that will set you apart from all of the Nutritionists out there!